media features

just links and blurbs about where i've been in the media

hack the north - story feature

Hack the North, Canada's largest hackathon, featured me on their front page during the 2022 season; the game I made there led to this year-long project!

Confession time, though: I got HTN mixed up with JamHacksV in my review.

ctv toronto - live interview

After breaking two world records and my CTV features blowing up across Canada, CTV Toronto invited me for a live interview!

It was a super cool experience, and I learned a lot about interviewing and live broadcasting through all the mistakes I made; but it was awesome.

guinness world records - youtube

Guinness' official channel featured one of my world records in their Best of January 2022 video, reaching 350,000+ viewers.

They got the footage from this livestream on my channel, which was where I livestreamed all three of my speedcubing world records.

cbc radio - all points west

For 8 fantastic minutes of my life, I had the privilege of conversing with Kathryn Marlow about speedcubing, hula-hooping, academics, game development, and goal-setting on CBC Radio.